Membership shall cease:
• on request, • death, judicial declaration of disappearance or dissolution of the legal person, • exclusion, • deviations from the Statute of the Association and from the Internal Regulation, •willful non-participation in more than 80% of the actions in which it is requested to participate, • dissolution or liquidation of the Association.An initiative of corrugated cardboard producers in Romania that aims to represent in the long term the interests of all corrugated cardboard producers.
Starting from the phrase: together we are stronger, the Association of Corrugated Packaging Manufacturers in Romania was established to provide real support to companies in the corrugated cardboard manufacturing industry.
Accessibility and promptness are the two key points on which we rely in order to carry out all the proposed activities. .
Aiming to develop the industry and its members, the association's projects aim to strengthen the partnership between corrugated board producers. For easier access to the necessary resources, APACOR ensures a permanent availability to provide current and relevant information on events in the paper and corrugated board manufacturing industry.
By maintaining an efficient long-term collaboration, the Association of Corrugated Packaging Manufacturers in Romania aims to provide support for respecting the rights and interests of corrugated cardboard producers in Romania.
In this way, we encourage corrugated board producers to become active members and participate in the joint activities of the association.